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Purposeful Paper Art

Handmade Upcycled PaperArt

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Purposeful Paper Art

Handmade Upcycled PaperArt

Purposeful PaperArt is about embracing our adult son’s autism, abilities and interests, as he upcycles uniquely handmade pieces of art from discarded newspapers and magazines collected from the community. Inspired by his great love of Wall-e the recycling robot and Thomas the Tank Engine who is useful, it has provided him with a meaningful sense of purpose and valued role, as he gives new life to old news with the support of his dedicated team. From passion to purpose; each piece not only tells it’s own story, but is also an invaluable part of his inspiring creative PaperArt journey!
Our handcrafted upcycled PaperArt collection has been thoughtfully created to add a unique touch to your every day life. Each piece is handcrafted with immense care and pride to add a little inspiration, heart and color to any setting. We hope to share with you the beauty of our son’s abilities as he shares his favorite stories with you through his PaperArt.
Each piece of Josh’s character inspired PaperArt collection is upcycled from discarded newspapers and magazines which have been collected from the community and then hand crafted into a variety of shapes and sizes. The creation process is a result of many hours of planning and preparation. Each design is broken down into manageable tasks for Josh to create with the guidance of his dedicated team. Chemical Free, water based, non toxic products are used in the preparation process.
📍Currently cubed in Fitzroy

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