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Ella Stevens Artist



Ella Stevens Artist


I am a painter with a strong spiritual relationship with nature itself, it is my teacher.
I create art which connects with the viewer in an abstract way. Colour is life, colour is energy. I like to create works using colour which give people a sense of vitality and which set a mood. My works can evoke a memory, feeling, a reminder of a special someone or place. The experience is a rather subjective and individual experience connecting us to our human nature and nature itself.
My artistic process imbues the harmonious pulse of natures palette. In surrendering to these infinite labyrinths, the natural landscape guides my artistic journey and my paintbrush. The mediums in which I use are varied. These include watercolour and acrylic on either canvas, marine ply board (non toxic surface) or French archival paper. I have always had an affinity, fascination and love of nature since I was a child. I connect with the land and sea taking photographs, hiking, birdwatching, scuba diving, engaging with plants and animals, free diving and collecting tangible natural elements. All these things feed into my creative practise. It is in nature where my spirit and the world around me is magnified, this feeling of connectivity channels my creative process. I become an instrument of perception in different ecosystems, a messenger of natures wisdom.
I can certainly do, with commissions a 50% upfront non refundable deposit will need to be taken for the artwork. Would love details such as customer name, email and mobile phone number.
📍Currently cubed in Fitzroy

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Ella Stevens Artist

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