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A cartoon depiction of the dwarf planet Pluto floating above a mustard yellow jumper and blue collared shirt as if the planet was a head to the body. The background is a stary sky with light blue, red and purple stars to match the colouration of the planet


Sweet handmade pins and more!

A white androgynous young adult with green hair is smiling while looking up to the sky. They are wearing a navy blue jumper with a white collared shirt


Sweet handmade pins and more!

Hello hello!! I am Plutonian, but you can also call me Darcie! (They/Them)I am a part time game dev student, streamer and multidisciplinary artist. I create a wide variety of fanart and original works. All in the form of handmade pins, stickers, zines, comics, prints, bookmarks, earrings and more that are all made in my home studio on Woiwurrung land!A lot of my works are based around mental health, chronic illness, pride and self acceptance!
I make my products for those who often don’t get to see themselves represented in a neutral or positive light. I create for the person younger me needed to see to know that they were okay, safe and valid.As all of my pins are handmade it provides a lower price point for younger audiences so things like pronoun pins can be more easily accessible.I also offer customisability with some products to ensure everyone feels seen and heard and take requests for areas that need more visibility.
📍Currently cubed in Fitzroy

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