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Enamel pins to express yourself



Enamel pins to express yourself

My artist name is @Donburee and this is my pin project Pinbuds. When I was young I used to go to artist alleys hoping my drawings one day would be worth sharing & making others smile, feel less alone and more apart of community. As a child ive dreamt of owning pokemon badges and ever since 2015 my first japan trip where i collected my own pins from disney and the gachapon i was on a mission to make my own. Ever since then i’ve been making pins that make others feel close and able to express something about themselves or something they love.
I make enamel pins for people to feel included in a community to wear and express who they are or what they love whether its a anime fandom or apart of LGBTQIA+ community, My customers decorate their bags, jackets, hats with pins or add them to pin collections.
I use a mix of vector design tools Figma, Adobe Photoshop and digital drawing tools on iPad Procreate.
📍Currently cubed in Fitzroy

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