Femme Fatale – this is my first original deck of playing cards (not based on any Anime or Pop Culture).
I made this deck with the intention to help empower people about their personal body image and how they reflect upon themselves and other people. I have a lot of important people in my life who struggle everyday with how they look and value themselves based on the appearance of their body – so I wanted to make something that can make everyone proud of who they are, and how they look.
In this deck, I have tried to be as inclusive as I possibly could. Some cards have stretch marks, some have moles and freckles, some have cut marks and some have c-section marks.
And for the icing on the cake – this is a rainbow deck! Each card is a different colour, so when it is fanned out – it creates a lovely rainbow!
I am so incredibly proud of this deck – and if you have more ideas on how I can make it more inclusive, please shoot your ideas my way! I would love to have this deck adapt and evolve with everyone who cares x