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Melbourne Central Bump In

Please read the below BEFORE booking

That said, we’re working towards the cubes being installed Monday – Wednesday & the cabinets brought in on Thursday / Friday morning. As such, we’re staggering bump in’s across a few days. We are going to try get a few grid cabinets for the Thursday, but as mentioned above… it’s not up to us.

Bump-in days

Please note: nothing is 100%… we really recommend not booking any flights or moving your life around to count on these days. There are things outside of our control as we’re reliant on the shop fitters doing what they say they will… but we’ve put the pressure on them to have us able to bump in these days. 

We had planned to have more days to bump in, but we need to open asap, we’re haemorrhaging money right now and want to get OPEN! 

The below calendar is only for bump in. We will launch the restock calendar after bump in for those who need to come after this.


Regardless of if you have sent your restock or not, can you please now choose the below location & booking type.

- made by Elle-May

You will only be able to choose Thursday 8th, this is just so they all come up same day in our system & we can keep an eye on the tracking numbers. 

Let us know if you sent it to Fitzroy or Melbourne Central in the “notes for the team” section and make sure you add your tracking number. 

Please note: all items need to be labelled – if you’re needing help with this you need to speak to us ahead of time. We won’t be able to label anything on the week of opening. 

If you have someone coming to set up on your behalf, please make an appointment below as if you are attending and write a note letting us know someone is attending on your behalf. 

In the form choose “MC Bump In Days” + “Set Up Cube”

- made by Elle-May

Please note: all items need to be labelled – if you’re needing help with this you need to speak to us ahead of time. We won’t be able to label anything on the week of opening. 

If you can’t attend on these days and can’t get someone to help you we can assist. Don’t worry, you won’t be charged for this, we understand this has been a tricky thing to schedule!

What we would love you to do is drop in / send in a small amount of stock for us to set up for you so there is stock when we open, and then you can book a restock (once the other calendar is live) to bring the rest of your stock when it’s convenient for you. 

We will treat this as a posted bump in and make sure we have your stuff ready to take over on the day we have helpers ready to help us get you set up. 

Regardless of if you have sent your restock or not, can you please now choose the below location & booking type.

- made by Elle-May

There is only 1 day available on the calendar, just choose that one & let us know in the notes what you’re going to do (ie, when you’re dropping to Fitzroy). If you are posting, please add the tracking number (book once you have it, there is no limit to these bookings so no need to rush)

Please note: all items need to be labelled – if you’re needing help with this you need to speak to us ahead of time. We won’t be able to label anything on the week of opening. 

What date to choose depending on your cube type:

  • If you have a cube – Thursday or Friday
  • If you have a grid cabinet – Thursday night or Friday (Friday better)
  • If you have a window grid – Thursday afternoon or Friday
  • If you have a clothing space – Thursday or Friday (Thursday better)
  • If you have a shelf – Thursday or Friday (Thursday better)

If you have multiple spaces of different types
 – choose the day that corresponds with the later bump in (ie, if you have a cube and a grid, come Friday so we can def accomodate you).

Saturday is available for those who absolutely can’t come Thursday / Friday. But if you can manage Thursday / Friday it would be better for us! We would love to open Sat 12pm if possible.

Booking Type*
Label Request*
Tracking URL (if mailing)
Notes for the team