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Dilaraacaytuna Melbourne

Dilara Up-cycle Fashion


Dilaraacaytuna Melbourne

Dilara Up-cycle Fashion

She, Her
I didn’t realise it at that time, but I believe everything started with my granny. She not only loved the nature and life but also devoted herself to them. It took years to understand the wisdom of “Dilara never forget, the very purpose of life is not having a title or being rich. It is all about respect and preserve“ sentence. Years gave me the “engineer& accountant” titles. Became a wife and blessed with a fantastic son but none of them was me. I think wisdom is coming with age. I am not saying, I am one of these enlightened ones of course but at least I have the courage to explore myself now. I started to feel different about the concept of life. Suddenly felt respect to the environment and all the pieces in it, as a whole. Then I decided to protect them for my grand kids to come, like my grandmother did once for us. First, stopped buying everything I liked at the shops. Then got my own compost followed by worm farm after my own vegetable garden…. On top of all these, I decided to recycle anything and everything, even broken items in my home and learned how to make mosaic from youtube. I bought a sewing machine and learned how to use it from the scratch for fixing the thorn clothes instead of throwing them in to the bin. I just turned the wheel, it just kept going. At the end, my creative part of my brain kicked in, although I used my mathematic lobe all these years. You know what!… I enjoyed this side of me more… I started to walk on the way, the way appeared…
All my creations are made with the donated items or rescued items from the land fill. All products are unique and reflecting my personality on the day I made them. sometimes happy, sometimes lost or some days with shining sun.. We are all alike. I am sure you will find your personality of that day with one of my mines :) It will come to you…. They are all up-cycled from used materials with the purpose of reducing waste. I know one day we will stop over production and greed together.
I wish I could explain the very essence of my production process. Starts with the donations coming from friends. Choosing from all these laces, doilies, ribbons, broken jewellery all around me is the joy of the day. Cutting them in to the pieces, putting them together again, sewing, knitting, hand stitching, putting the beads together, unsewing, liking or leaving the piece to another day, another psychology to finish. Creation is a long process but when I see the result, it is acknowledging the power in me. Find your strength, trust your inner voice, stand tall and start your new you with one of my products as a proof of new beginnings.
50 % of the deposit after we decide the model and items I need to use with the customer
📍Currently cubed in Fitzroy

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